I am afraid I have not had a moments worth of peace in a while. My human's disappeared for a few days and when they came back, the brought this repulsive little kitten with them. I tried to be tolerant. It is certainly not the first time they have brought one home and it would be only a matter of a few days before the creature would be gone. It was about a week later when I realized it would not be leaving. That was when I went from tolerance to down right rage. How dare they? That thing thinks she is just the cutest thing around. She really is being sickening sweet with all the cuddling she does with the female. She even crawls under the blanket and sleep with her. I am not fooled she really is hiding there because she is afraid of the dogs. For once those creature come in handy. So they named this thing Sahara. I refuse to call her that, I much prefer to call her "Rat Bait" I swear she is about the dumbest creature around. I tell her to leave me alone and she just turns around and pounces on me. I am so fed up with her. I think it is time I tell the human with she goes or I do. Ugh here she comes again.. gotta go.
Honestly she is not that cute.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Rat Bait
Posted by Tigra at 9:15 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 8, 2008
Cat 101
The humans were entertaining themselves with their TV, when they got all excited about this cat they saw. They spent the next several hours talking about how “Cool” it would be to have one and how much they really want one.
They are all “googlie eyes” over this cat because it is the size of a medium size dog, that and it is a cross of some wildcat and kitten. The “Savanna Cat” they said would cost them around $500.00 for the cheap low quality one and $12,000 for the pure one. I am not worried in the least, What do I care if it is the size of a dog. I can tell you who is in charge of the dogs now.. Me! and I am not that big. You know I have no desire to associate with it.
What self-respecting cat would sell herself. The Will is always telling the dogs and us that we need to get a job. When he tell the Savanna Cat to get a job, what do you think she will do.. that’s right sell herself again. What a ….!? They cannot expect me to hang out with that …..!?!
You know if they brought that cat into my home I swear I would die of humiliation, you might as well just paint my face and make my humiliation complete.
Posted by Tigra at 9:19 PM 2 comments
Saturday, November 29, 2008
My Space
I need my space. For the last several days the humans have been home all day. They are always in my way. Every time I try to take a nap, there they are sitting in my spot and if I am there first they just pick me up and pester me till I want to claw them. They even had Rowan in all day, that dog was all up in my space too. Don't get me wrong I love having them around to curl up with for some love. But sometimes it is just to much and I am ready for them to go back to where ever it is they go during the day.
The other day I was telling the female to let me out for a bit of fresh air and apparently we had a failure to communicate, instead of letting me roll around in the grass. She loaded me up in her car, drove to the store and then back home. I didn't get any fresh air she just made me nauseous. Then she tried to by me off with a toy. You can't buy my affection, I had nothing to do with that toy. It didn't last long anyways. Drake had it torn apart in just a few minutes.
Posted by Tigra at 9:32 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Evil Dog Lover
I am offering 10 mice, 20 flies, and a can of turtle food for a shredded leg.
Posted by Tigra at 10:27 PM 0 comments
Smarter than a Dog
Did you know that cats are smarter than dogs? Neither do my humans, they have taken to letting me outside only if I am in this evil contraption that belongs to the dogs. I am not a dog, and I object on so many levels being treated as one.
Posted by Tigra at 10:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Rat bait
I am so angry I could just spit. That woman came home shoved me and my sister into a little green box. (Soot was standing on my hair and pushing me aside.) Then that woman took us outside loaded us up into her car and took off. Next then I know she wants me to come out of the box in this strange place. Well I was not having it. I wasn't coming out just to make her happy. So what does she do? She reaches into the box and drags me out. I hissed and yowled and tried to brace my feet on the sides of the box but she just keep pulling. Till I had no choice but to come out or break a leg. I was so upset that my hair just started falling out in big ol' clumps. She sat me down and held my front legs next to my head. I just glared at her and growled. I was so angry with her I barely felt the poke, Some other lady just poked me in the butt. Then she lets me go and pulls Soot out, and before I do anything she shoves me back in the box. Then she shoves soot back in on top of me. We get back home she lets us out and takes off. No explanation or anything for the humiliation I just suffered. That woman is nothing more then Rat bait and I think I am gonna go pee in her shoe
Posted by Tigra at 3:12 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 29, 2008
I am so beuatiful.
The results are in... I am a looker.. I recently had two photo's of yours truly entered in the local fair. They both place.. First place on one and Third place on the other. I think I am going to go into modeling, then I could have fresh fish every night.

Posted by Tigra at 7:27 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 14, 2008
There is a difference from loving water and LOVING water, one just makes you ridiculous
Posted by Tigra at 9:30 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
my hard life
I really just don't think anyone understands how hard my life is. Once again there is another cat in my house. She has taken up residence in the bathroom. She has been there for the last week and I have only seen her once. She has the gall to growl and hiss at me... in my house. Also I don't know what she is doing in there but there are some really strange sounds coming from in there. I think she is keeping squeaky toys in there with her. So she comes in my house is a bitch and refuses to share toys.
Oh and I could just kill Soot, she is always hanging around the bathroom door kissing ass. I yell at her all the time for this but she just ignores me.
Posted by Tigra at 7:40 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 26, 2008
My people hate me. I cannot for the life of me understand why they do.
A few days ago they brought in this kitten, she smelled like the one called Renee, so I knew she wasn’t staying… But this kitten made my life hell. She would not leave me alone. I would yell at her and she would just attack me. If I turned my back she would attack me from behind. I had to spend the last 4 days sleeping with my eyes open. No matter what I did to her she kept coming back to attack me. And she kept stealing my stuff. Every time I turned around she was playing with my scratching post, chasing my ball, getting petted by my humans. And then she was eating my food, and using my Litter. That kitten finally left tonight. I am so angry at my people, it will be a day or two until I let them pet me again.
Stupied kitten.
Posted by Tigra at 10:14 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 23, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
Guide to Cats
Don't believe everything you see on youtube... Engineer's are so on my list
Posted by Tigra at 12:40 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 9, 2008
I really just do not understand my two leg creatures. The one called Will always leaves me these pink treats every morning. This morning, the one called Leandra watched me eat it and then tells Will. Next thing I know he is yelling at me and taking the other treat and locking it up. He always leaves it for me, I don’t know what the difference was today, but she is so on my list.
Posted by Tigra at 9:31 PM 1 comments
Posted by Tigra at 9:25 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
What is wrong with the two legged creature called Leandra. I came into the front room and she was sitting there wanting to pet me, so I went over and she there was another cat in there. I could smell it all over her. She brought this disease infested cat into my home. I couldn’t find this cat but this isn’t the first time she has brought another cat in. But this one is infested, I can smell it, she had to get rid of it. She started to leave but she was not taking that cat. I can’t have that diseased cat roaming around my house. She had to get rid of it. She was leaving the room so I attacked her; I clawed her foot over and over. I think she got the message because after she came out of the water room, I couldn’t smell it any more. I really wish she would listen the first time I told her. It was her fault I had to resort to violence.
Posted by Tigra at 9:30 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 1, 2008
The two-legger's are so weird, the other day I was up on the big round stand checking out some items in a bag when the one called Will comes around the corner, and yells at me. I just looked at him, why is he yelling at me, it is not like I am doing anything I different. Well then he comes tearing at me with some deranged look in his eyes, arms flapping all over the place. I ran for cover and he starts laughing. He is so on my list
Posted by Tigra at 3:40 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
my space.
No! Not the silly website. Im talkin about the bedrooms. Everyone knows that the bedrooms are mine; except stupid Will. I don't ask for much. Food, water, everyone's full attention whenever i want it ( not when you want it!!!!! ) but thats a whole other rant. Is this turning into a rant? Well maybe. Dont like it? Too bad!!!! this is my world, not yours.
Posted by Tigra at 2:17 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 28, 2008
I like my two leggers, most of the time. The one called Will is my favorite. He gives me the little crunchies that make the turtles come right up to my face. Then... claws!!!! Hahahahaha stupid turtles.
Posted by Tigra at 9:26 PM 1 comments
You know who I love, I love the four legged creature called Rowan. She is the very best. When I am having a bad day and just need to feel better. She is there to lift my spirits. She knows how to take one for the team. I tell her to put my head in her mouth, then I scream help, next thing you know one of the two legged creatures are yelling at her. It is so funny to watch and I know Rowan loves it too cause when I tell her to do it again she does. Everyone should be so bless with a follower like that.
Posted by Tigra at 9:09 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Back again
So the creature called Nae was back again today, I followed her around and kept telling her I was sorry, but she refused to forgive me. Honest she told me to go away. She acts like I am the one that is responsible for this mess. Well I am not going to try and say I am sorry again. She had her chance. She is so on my list now.
Posted by Tigra at 9:01 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Expressing my Emotions
I have been advised that I need to express my emotions in better way. Journaling away seems to be popular so I am going to give it a try. Personally I think this is a waste of my time. There are so many other things I could be doing, and honestly it is not my fault the two-legged creature called Nae was clawed. She was squeezing me and I told her several times to knock it off, but she just keep laughing, and squeezing me some more. So I gave her a warning shot, I hit her behind the ear and on the lip. I can't help it if she is so fragile that she bleeds, this is what happens when you get rid of your fur. My fur on the other hand is the perfect mix of protection and beauty. ugh I am bored already. I wonder where my sister is?
Posted by Tigra at 9:38 PM 0 comments